Sunday, November 17, 2013

First day home = pooped

What I was expecting on the drive back from Indianapolis to Chicago with Mr. Pibbs:

What I actually received:
A sleeping Mr. Pibbs.  (I will avoid lap shots in the future, but we were in a car)
We did stop at the local pet store to get a new collar, and he was paraded around the store while I received a lesson or two from the store owner.  But after that, he was pooped again. He went straight into his crate (without any coercion except Gator and Moose being placed in there):

"You expect me to eat, right NOW?!"
I was a bit disappointed because I expected a tornado to rip through my kitchen last night.  Instead I had a dog who pees in the yard wherever placed and willingly goes into his crate.

This morning the only noise he made was to go outside again.  Then he chased my feet around as I was cleaning the dishwasher in my long kitchen.  After that and breakfast, he cannot even stay awake to play with his ball:

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